Terms And Conditions

Payment Details

Cancellation Policy

Non Availability

Balmoral House Hotel will only cancel your booking if your accommodation was unavailable for reasons beyond our control. We would attempt to offer you alternative accommodation, however if this was not possible, or unacceptable to you, then we would refund all monies paid by you. Our liability would not extend beyond this refund.

Arrival And Departure

Your accommodation is available to you from 14:00pm on the day of arrival, unless otherwise arranged. Please be ready to leave your accommodation by 11:00am on the day of departure, unless otherwise arranged.

Damages And Breakages

You are responsible for any breakages or damages which you or any member of your party cause to the accommodation or its contents. Please report these as soon as they occur. Balmoral House Hotel does not normally charge for minor breakages, but we reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit/ debit card, or we may send you an invoice, for repair or making good if the damage or breakage is significant.


Balmoral House Hotel does not accept liability for damage, loss or injury to any member of your party or any vehicles or possessions, unless proven to be caused by a negligent act by ourselves or our employees or contractors whilst acting in the course of employment.

Groups And Parties

Although Balmoral House Hotel openly welcome family and friend parties to enjoy our beautiful surroundings, Stag/hen parties and night club goers are strictly forbidden. If this is not disclosed when booking, Balmoral House Hotel reserves the right to refuse accommodation with a non-refund policy.


Balmoral House Hotel does not accept pets.


All credit card transactions are done off-site securely using our booking agent - Booking Button. Balmoral House Hotel executes appropriate protection of all personal information.

Balmoral House Hotel
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Balmoral House Hotel - Paddington Budget Bed Breakfast Hotel - Hyde Park - London
156 Sussex Gardens, London, W2 1UD
157 Sussex Gardens, London, W2 2RY
+44 207 723 7445
+44 207 402 1833